Monday, September 3, 2012

Americans Boiling Like Lobsters!

Hungry Nation

"Americans are like lobsters slowly boiling, we won't know we have lost our freedom until we are practically dead from the heat."    Greg Nichols, from Hungry Nation
A Christian journalist has a chance with God's help to turn the tide of socialism in America back, with help from friends, but soon his life is threatened by liberal elitist thugs who have been assigned to kill him.  A wealthy conservative businessman who needs America to return to what it was hires three former Navy Seals to protect the journalist and his wife, and the fight is on. This patriotic novel is a political intrigue with a Christian message and it borderlines on thriller/horror, as the fears of many in our nation right now about financial collapse come to fruition in the pages of this novel with America on the brink of starvation. The motto of the hero is..."A nation that is hungry for God will not go hungry."  Nothing is ever as it seems in this novel with plot twists and turns and a huge surprise that delivers goosebumps and tears.  Although this novel will scare the Hell out of this nation, literally, hope is found in its pages for where we are all at right now!  The spirit realm is exposed in this novel for the reader, both light and dark, and this is a story of good triumphing over evil. This is a must read for all who love America.  Anyone who reads this novel will be voting anti-left this November, for sure.

This novel is an inspirational and yet very sobering view of America through the eyes of the main character, Justin Brooks.  Justin is a journalist and he and his wife get caught up in a dangerous web of intrigue and danger because Justin as a man of God is outspoken publicly against socialism and communism and a corrupt group called the leftist elite take notice and threaten his life.  A liberal President is in office and up for re-election, and the country is leaning towards socialism more every day.  God gives Justin a dream about the people of America literally starving, there is a food shortage in his dream, and the dream is very apocalyptic.  Hellish winged creatures are revealed in the dream and these creatures are the true face of socialism in real form.  Wherever socialism is thriving in the world, these creatures are there instigating evil and destruction but they cannot be seen by people.  To embrace socialism is to embrace these creatures and work along side of them and be used by them to enslaved humanity.

Justin uses his position with a national newspaper and his column to bring insights to America, but finds he must take measures for his own safety and that of his family.  A team of retired Navy Seals are hired to protect Justin by a wealthy conservative businessman and the fight is on.  Justin is impressed by the skills of the Seals and they do not know what to think of the supernatural realm that Justin is involved with through His relationship with Jesus Christ and a spiritual father by the name of Duffy French. Duffy is truly a supernatural man, and Justin is on the same road of destiny with God as Duffy.  Included in this novel are fight scenes, weapons, action and angelic activity that leaves the frogmen scratching their heads.

If you love God and want to see the heart of Jesus in some story characters, read this book. If the activity of angels and demons and evil ruling principalities and hellish winged creatures interests you, then reading this novel is a must.  If you love America and want to see the return of the right wing and freedom loving political party, and less government, then reading and sharing this novel will be strategic.  If you have a loved one who is liberal and does not see the harm in the current President and his philosophies, then share this book with them after you read it, for socialism, communism, totalitarianism and fascism are all spelled out in high clarity for anyone to understand.  Also, freedom and free enterprise also are explained and applauded in the pages of this book, as well as free enterprise's relation to our economic recovery.  Many Presidents and American heroes are quoted in the pages of Hungry Nation.  There are also plot twists and turns, to keep readers guessing.  It is unknown whether this book is political, economic, spiritual, a horror, a mystery, a civics lesson, or all of those rolled into one book. 

If this country stays on its current course, it will indeed be a hungry nation.  Help us Lord!  

Watch for my next blog for more on Hungry Nation!   Feel free to comment below and re-share this on Facebook if you want.  

To read more about the novel, go to this website:

Greg Nichols
Author - Hungry Nation

Ask me to be your friend on Facebook! 

Greg and Debbie Nichols

1 comment:

  1. Hungry Nation will be available at, Borders, and other places online, as well as at our ministry website.
