Sunday, September 23, 2012

Defeating Obama in November!

One of the most popular ways to go on the political attack right now is to bring accusation and mud against President Obama.  New books are coming out every day, and they range from facts about the foreign birth to his competency to his socialistic ties to his antics in the office of President.  I feel that many of these exposes' and statements about him as a man can possibly backfire in November.  The polls inch up and down, depending on what is going on that week or month in the news.  Some things make the man look good and some make him look bad.  He also is in a place to control the news, much more than Romney, as he is the acting President.  Who knows what he may have up his sleeve in the final two weeks before the election as an Executive maneuver for the seeming good of the country.  It is not wise in my mind to defame him and try to turn his voters against the man as they tend to dig in all the more when their hero is opposed.  There is inordinate affection for this man in many liberals and in many African Americans, and this cannot be erased easily or removed unless there is something deeper and more relevant to replace it with.

The best strategy in this writer's opinion is to discuss the freedom of America and cherishing that freedom and to discuss the perils of socialistic thinking and where it could take our nation.  We need to give an educational slant to voters and bring them back to an understanding of truth as it applies to what they learned as a child in school history and civics about America.  My novel Hungry Nation does this in an entertaining and subtle way.  In the novel, the hero is on a mission to see America restored and in his ongoing quest for the truth, his continual discovery is something that builds passion and patriotism in readers.  Obama has no chance against a true patriotic spirit being re-awakened in America, for millions have died for this American dream and patriotic spirit.  How wise is it to attack the man only to have another rise up just like him when we should attack the political garbage that he stands for?  Any ideology that brings more government, and raises the national debt, and creates more regulations, and polices us more, and tries to remove the wealthy by equalizing them to the poor, these are evils we should flee from and any person who endorses any political ideals like these should be removed from Washington DC with all fervor.  Get Hungry Nation when it is released, and join me in a movement back to sanity and freedom as a nation.

To read more about the novel, go to this website: 

Greg Nichols

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