Thursday, January 17, 2013

America Hungry For God!

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled."  Matthew 5:6

America is in a fight for its very survival and many of its people cry peace when there is no peace, for an invisible war is waging for mens' very souls.  From same sex marriage to abortion, to violence and pleasure seeking, the people of America have been lulled into indifference where God is concerned.  Add to these sins the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol and prescription drugs, and people living in a fantasy high. This nation has so lost her way that it will not be possible to find its way without a miracle or series of miracles from God.  God will bring the miraculous on the scene for this nation when the Church gets hungry enough for Him to move.

When God promised man a Redeemer in the Garden of Eden, generations of God's people awaited Jesus, the Messiah, and there was a hunger that took place in countless people spanning many generations.  Jesus promised He would come back for His Church, and the last verse of the New Testament indicates it will be a hungry Church He is returning for, as it declares, "Come Lord Jesus, come!"  What will make us that hungry again for God as we once were upon being saved?  What will make us as hungry as the book of Revelations indicates we will be upon His return?  With 7 Billion people on this planet, we have a chance to prove God to the masses of humanity by becoming hungry, by focusing on the promises of God, by desiring and expecting the miracles that Jesus promised we would walk in.  Love constrains us to get hungry, for this nation can be moved towards God when we are hungry for Him.  Lord, make us hungry, Lord, stir up your people!  Let this nation of America be changed forever as you fill it and satisfy its hunger for you.  The Word says if we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will be filled with the Holy Spirit and His love and righteousness. 

Bless His name forever!

(Watch for Hungry Nation, the novel, to be in print in the next month or two.  Explore the workings of God in a group of people's lives as they seek to see America restored.)  

To read more about the novel, go to this website:

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