Monday, November 5, 2012

Is America Becoming George's Orwell's Animal Farm?

The essay below was written by the main character, Justin Brooks, in the novel, Hungry Nation, written by Greg Nichols.  It is timely today, read it carefully. 

“Hungry Nation:
An American Animal Farm

By Justin Brooks

     The political face of America has drastically changed over the last few years.  Many Americans do not understand this change, and many feel the change is not so bad.  The first droplets of an approaching torrential downpour of social change that is reflected in socialism are refreshing, and seem to be very long awaited.  People want to see their government take action and solve issues.  So the silver lining of early socialism in a nation does not last, and human nature is the root cause.  The temptation to seize control of a weakened nation that feels it must turn to socialism to repair its problems is a great one; those in power with the ability to seize control must grab that control and use a vice-like grip to keep that control.  This is the human nature factor, and because of this, socialistic regimes are quite predictable. 

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”      Thomas Jefferson

     As this quote of Thomas Jefferson suggests, the introduction of socialism to a nation is a pretense and a ploy to seize power by a few power hungry people.  In a socialistic society, there is always one party who will not live equally with all the rest of the nation in commonality, and that party is the ruling party.  Next, that party must develop a police force of considerable might, such as the Gestapo or KGB, to oppress and terrorize the people by keeping them in line or to turn over any uprisings of patriots who feel the system is unfair or want their old freedoms back and are trying to preserve the few freedoms they have left.  Once full-fledged socialism has set in, the lack of freedom is dreadfully evident and very nearly intolerable.

     In the 1940’s, author George Orwell wrote the novel Animal Farm as a response to Totalitarian, Socialistic and Communist regimes, such as Hitler’s in Germany, and Communism in Russia.  

       The novel is still a brilliant look at human nature, or should I say “the animal nature” behind socialism.  In the novel, an allegory is made when a human farmer is very harsh and mean to his animals, and does not care for them properly.  Finally, out of desperation, the animals overthrow the farmer and take over the farm, driving the farmer out.  It is a refreshing new feeling to the animals as they are excited to have a say in the running of the farm.  The idealism is short lived as the pigs of the farm, who feel they are more intelligent than the other animals, seize control of the farm through deceit and manipulation.  They are working under the pretense of having more intelligence.  These pigs represent the liberal left of a society.  They are drunk on power and want more.  The pigs begin to live opulently on the sweat of the other animals, creating for themselves a type of upper class.  They raise a litter of puppies that grow to be large vicious dogs and they set them in place as an SS or Gestapo-like force that brutalizes or even executes the other animals that will not come into agreement with the pigs’ policies of a totalitarian style government.  As a result, the other animals begin to face starvation due to a lack of food because the ruling party, the pigs, was siphoning off more than their share of the supplies as they continued to live lavishly.  The dream that was Animal Farm has gone very wrong and it is sad and frightful to say the least.  The symbolism of this novel is now all too eerie for a savvy American to gloss over as just a children’s story.  I urge every American to get their hands on this short novel as there are millions of copies in print and it has been out in circulation for decades.  But as you read it, you will see that it looks as if it was written for America as she is right now.

       America has a chance in an upcoming election to overturn this evil agenda that could leave our Nation in utter disrepair so much so that it could take one hundred years to remedy or rebuild.  Socialism is evil, and at all costs should be cast off, resisted, blocked, and halted in this Nation.

        One of the strongest characteristics of socialism is the gradually increasing lack of freedom.  Many Americans have begun to grow more and more use to this in our Nation’s 200 years.  The oppressive government machine in socialism spits out its citizens, and treads them under the wheels of the ruling elite.  The evil face behind socialism can manifest itself very quickly if the nation’s people are ignorant enough to tolerate these kinds of political agendas for even a moment of time.  Do not follow the candidate with the seeming praiseworthy solutions for change and for a utopia of the future; this is a façade of evil and you will ultimately sell your liberty, even your very soul for an empty promise.  The Government cannot and should not pay for all of your problems, no matter how much you need them to or would like them to.  It cannot afford it; you will pay it back in the end.  The Government also must not control business and manipulate it and remove the “free” enterprise segment of our society.  The opportunity, privilege, and right of every man or woman in a free country is to own a business that is not run or manipulated or owned by its government. 

“Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread.”     Thomas Jefferson

     The result of thinking that the government is the answer for our woes is loaded with land mines and pitfalls that are invisible and unknown.  However, history confirms that the people will suffer with poverty and oppression and starvation if freedom is not the course they are on.  Millions of Americans actually are not concerned whether we are encumbered with socialistic, freedom restricting programs or not.  There are also Americans who feel that full blown Communism is the solution to problems.  There is a progression to the stripping away of liberty and freedom; of first socialism, then totalitarianism, then fascism and/or communism.  People soon forget that these forms of government caused the murders of millions of people worldwide in the last hundred years or so.  The deception that it can help us is birthed in Hell, and spiritual beings that are supernatural in nature are in this Earth influencing mankind to accept this evil doctrine.  Karl Marx, the father of Communism was demon possessed.  Listen to this quote by him:  “My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy Capitalism.”  Why would anyone want to follow a person who is that ignorant or deceived?  Anyone declaring war on God is insane or possessed, or both.
     Let us learn the lesson well of the animals in the novel, Animal Farm.  Let us demonstrate a thinking power and a prayer life that results in the wisdom worthy of our forefathers when they founded this great nation of America.  Let us have freedom for every man, woman, and child in America.  We must cast off all socialistic trends as well as the leaders that promote and encourage them.  The time is now; we no longer have the luxury to wait and see what happens or hope that someone else will take care of it.  If you are an American, it is up to you.

Justin Brooks, Main Character, and Blog Guest Writer

To read more about the novel, go to this website:

Greg Nichols

Friday, November 2, 2012

Micah the Angel (Character Spotlight)

Micah the angel is a great character in Hungry Nation.  He is humble but very powerful, and he sticks to his job orders from Heaven and never waivers.  Micah serves the believers, that is what he was created for.  Once you read Hungry Nation, you won't soon forget Micah.  

Here is an excerpt about Micah and Justin, the hero of the story:

Justin woke up with a start to a loud shrill cry outside his home.  Trying not to wake Angie, he carefully got up and grabbed one crutch to support him and walked out of the bedroom in his pajamas and slippers.  He went to the front door, unlocked it and went outside.  In the distance he saw a winged creature flying away, still letting out the loud shrill cries as it went.  He limped gingerly down the porch steps and into his front yard so that he could look back up on the roof of his house.  Sure enough, the angel was still sitting there.  He was excited.  The angel looked at him and smiled.  Justin went as close as he could to the side of the house so as to still keep the angel in view and spoke to it.  “Are you an angel from God?”
            The angel was slow to speak anything.  He looked down at Justin and then looked back out in the distance and then looked around the area.  His gaze came back to Justin and he fixed his eyes on him and spoke, “Yes, I am an angel of the Lord God.”
            Justin noticed he spoke in a soft but strong clear voice.  Justin asked, “What is your name?”
            The angel responded, “I am called Micah.”
            Justin wanted to know many things.  Maybe this angel would tell him.  He asked, “Why are you on my roof?”
            Micah, seeming amused, smiled at Justin.  “Why Justin, you ordered me here weeks ago.”
            Justin looked confused.  “You know my name?”
            Micah nodded his head and answered, “Yes, many of us know your name.”
            The answer amazed and puzzled Justin.  He asked, “When did I order you here?”
            “You did this after the night you had the spirit of fear in your bedroom.  Angie rebuked it and made it leave and the next morning on your drive to work you declared the blood of our Lord around you and her and you declared angels around yourselves and your home.”

End of excerpt!

To read more about my novel, Hungry Nation, go to this website: 

Greg Nichols

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sig the Martial Artist! (A Hungry Nation Character Spotlight!)

One of the most colorful characters in the novel Hungry Nation is ex Navy Seal, Sig, AKA, Derek Singer.  Sig is nicknamed for his favorite weapon, the Sig Sauer 9 mm hand weapon. Sig is an ex-Navy Seal who is highly trained in the martial arts. This one man wrecking crew was the best the Seals had in hand to hand combat. Lately though, he likes to take down street predators. In an apocalyptic America, this could come in handy. But Sig never sees the power of God coming.

Read this novel excerpt about Sig:

A few months after the Sacramento incident, he was in Merced, California and was walking on the main street downtown. He passed by three men who had turned all of their attention on him. As he passed them, they began to slowly follow him. He went further up the street where it had become less populated and was darker. Suddenly the three hostiles came upon him quickly. One came face to face and put up his fists and said, “Come on, let’s see what you got.” There is something about being on someone else's turf, something animalistic as when animals mark their area by urinating on the perimeters. If you are a stranger and are crazy enough to walk their turf at night and blatantly display no fear, you are throwing a challenge out to the locals that must be met. As that first hostile engaged him head on in a fistfight and danced around, Sig sensed the second hostile coming up on his right side and he was swinging a lock-in-a-sock. This accounted for the false bravery in the first man. A “lock-in-a-sock” is simply a solid padlock in the bottom of a sock. This creates a near deadly weapon. Sig easily dodged the sock and then roundhouse kicked that man with his right leg and caught him squarely in the temple. That man went out like a light and fell limp to the ground. The first man was still swinging his fist towards Sig who then parried the swing and glided the man’s arm right past him, only to back knuckle the back of his head as he went past Sig. This was a blow that probably had caused the man to see stars as he collapsed to his knees. The third hostile now had a knife out and was circling Sig. Sig knew how to protect himself against knives and effectively disarm a combatant with one. This had been drilled into him in the Navy and he had also learned some additional moves from his extra martial arts classes. Sig stepped inside and wrist-locked the knife hand and peeled the man back over by stepping through with his right foot which put the man on the ground. Sig took the knife from him while twisting his arm up behind and then Sig stuck the knife firmly and forcefully into the man’s hamstring muscle. The man cried out in agonizing pain.

End of excerpt!   

To see more about the novel Hungry Nation, go this this website: 

Greg Nichols

Friday, October 26, 2012

Edge of Your Seat Pre-Apocalyptic Novel!

Hungry Nation, the Novel, Coming Soon!
Written by one of our editors:

"Cross Frank Peretti with Joel Rosenberg, and you’ve got Greg Nichols – a master of socio-political intrigue with the revelation of spiritual dominion.  Relentlessly eye-opening and frighteningly based upon current political and economic directions, Nichols weaves an edge-of-your-seat pre-apocalyptic adventure.  Laced with fundamental governmental truths, the parallel reality of the spiritual realm, and the fierce allegiance of fearless patriots, Hungry Nation will strike a chord in the loyal American, and raise a warning flag over a nation in distress. It is a novel of both great alarm, and of great hope."

To read more about the novel, go to this website: 
Greg Nichols

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Un-American Dream: A Hand-Out Nation!

The Un-American Dream

Many Americans are retiring to a life of welfare or SSI income at the ripe old age of 30 to 40 years old.  For extra income, some may panhandle or sell a few seemingly harmless prescription drugs on the street and this lifestyle is their vision, their dream, their UN-American dream.  Many of these people spend their pass-time getting high and remaining high on alcohol and drugs.  These persons may never pay a single penny of income tax, but in spite of that, over their lifetime, they will pull hundreds of thousands of dollars out of the government, or should we say, out of the hands of the honest and hard working tax payers.  

Don't get me wrong, there are legitimate reasons for welfare in my opinion and I am not making a blanket statement for all persons on that program or on the SSI disability program.  However, we all may know someone who is the person I described.  Not only has poverty become their way of life, it actually fits into their future vision.  What is utterly amazing is that our government allows and enhances this kind of lifestyle and behavior by many unwise practices and liberal mindsets. This person will vote for any candidate who is for socialistic programs, and is promising that people may suckle off the government breast all of their days.  Unfortunately, this candidate if elected or re-elected will break our country and render it unfix-able, unless decent and hard working people become involved and take back the nation for decent and hard working people.  

Then, there are working class people and middle income people who do not see a danger in a political candidate that is so liberal to the left they would have fit well in Communist Russia in its day and they would like to see the same for America.  Why would hard working Americans vote for our current liberal President?  Because they have forgotten that America runs well on free enterprise and can fix itself based on free enterprise, and they have not watched the current President's slow and gradual policies that erode all free enterprise, and they have decided to tolerate this man's UN-American dream for America.  

The Hollywood-ites who endorse this man for President are very ignorant because their wealth will go quickly if all of his UN-American dreams come to pass.  They do not believe this of him because they are desiring to believe about the man what is trendy in Hollywood and what their peers all see, like the Emperor's new clothes.  They are absolutely deceived and not viewing the man like many of us are.  

Lastly, many Christians are deceived and may or may not vote for the man, but they feel God will work it out and it is not Godly to become so involved in the political scene.  This attitude has been very destructive because Jesus gave us the way to take dominion over this earth and every demon trying to run it. 

To read more about the novel, go to this website: 
God bless you,
Greg Nichols

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Defeating Obama in November!

One of the most popular ways to go on the political attack right now is to bring accusation and mud against President Obama.  New books are coming out every day, and they range from facts about the foreign birth to his competency to his socialistic ties to his antics in the office of President.  I feel that many of these exposes' and statements about him as a man can possibly backfire in November.  The polls inch up and down, depending on what is going on that week or month in the news.  Some things make the man look good and some make him look bad.  He also is in a place to control the news, much more than Romney, as he is the acting President.  Who knows what he may have up his sleeve in the final two weeks before the election as an Executive maneuver for the seeming good of the country.  It is not wise in my mind to defame him and try to turn his voters against the man as they tend to dig in all the more when their hero is opposed.  There is inordinate affection for this man in many liberals and in many African Americans, and this cannot be erased easily or removed unless there is something deeper and more relevant to replace it with.

The best strategy in this writer's opinion is to discuss the freedom of America and cherishing that freedom and to discuss the perils of socialistic thinking and where it could take our nation.  We need to give an educational slant to voters and bring them back to an understanding of truth as it applies to what they learned as a child in school history and civics about America.  My novel Hungry Nation does this in an entertaining and subtle way.  In the novel, the hero is on a mission to see America restored and in his ongoing quest for the truth, his continual discovery is something that builds passion and patriotism in readers.  Obama has no chance against a true patriotic spirit being re-awakened in America, for millions have died for this American dream and patriotic spirit.  How wise is it to attack the man only to have another rise up just like him when we should attack the political garbage that he stands for?  Any ideology that brings more government, and raises the national debt, and creates more regulations, and polices us more, and tries to remove the wealthy by equalizing them to the poor, these are evils we should flee from and any person who endorses any political ideals like these should be removed from Washington DC with all fervor.  Get Hungry Nation when it is released, and join me in a movement back to sanity and freedom as a nation.

To read more about the novel, go to this website: 

Greg Nichols

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hungry Nation, Reality or Fantasy: from the Author!

Some will wonder whether they are reading reality or fantasy in the pages of Hungry Nation!  The reason is because there are other worldly creatures, demons, fallen angels and angels and strange beings in the pages of this novel. Christians will know that there is a reality whenever spiritual beings from scripture are described.  The novel reveals God's Kingdom and Satan's kingdom and the conflict over the souls of men.  The political intrigue is heightened by seeing how the enemy of man plays into the equation. 

You are quickly brought to reality when the three ex Navy Seals use their skills in stealth and combat to provide protection to the main character of the story.  His name is Justin, and he and his wife Angie are gradually learning how to walk in the dominion of Christ throughout the story.  The dominion is something the frogmen do not understand, but gladly welcome in the face of danger.  Nothing about the novel is ever as it seems but the love of God in Christ Jesus is evident all through the novel.  This book is a teaching tool as well as an evangelistic tool for anyone who reads it.  You just pass it on to someone you love, and they will read it, because it is great entertainment.  The truth of God will seep into their minds through osmosis, and a crop of the Kingdom will be the following harvest. 

To read more about the novel, go to this website:   

Until next time,
Greg Nichols

Monday, September 3, 2012

Americans Boiling Like Lobsters!

Hungry Nation

"Americans are like lobsters slowly boiling, we won't know we have lost our freedom until we are practically dead from the heat."    Greg Nichols, from Hungry Nation
A Christian journalist has a chance with God's help to turn the tide of socialism in America back, with help from friends, but soon his life is threatened by liberal elitist thugs who have been assigned to kill him.  A wealthy conservative businessman who needs America to return to what it was hires three former Navy Seals to protect the journalist and his wife, and the fight is on. This patriotic novel is a political intrigue with a Christian message and it borderlines on thriller/horror, as the fears of many in our nation right now about financial collapse come to fruition in the pages of this novel with America on the brink of starvation. The motto of the hero is..."A nation that is hungry for God will not go hungry."  Nothing is ever as it seems in this novel with plot twists and turns and a huge surprise that delivers goosebumps and tears.  Although this novel will scare the Hell out of this nation, literally, hope is found in its pages for where we are all at right now!  The spirit realm is exposed in this novel for the reader, both light and dark, and this is a story of good triumphing over evil. This is a must read for all who love America.  Anyone who reads this novel will be voting anti-left this November, for sure.

This novel is an inspirational and yet very sobering view of America through the eyes of the main character, Justin Brooks.  Justin is a journalist and he and his wife get caught up in a dangerous web of intrigue and danger because Justin as a man of God is outspoken publicly against socialism and communism and a corrupt group called the leftist elite take notice and threaten his life.  A liberal President is in office and up for re-election, and the country is leaning towards socialism more every day.  God gives Justin a dream about the people of America literally starving, there is a food shortage in his dream, and the dream is very apocalyptic.  Hellish winged creatures are revealed in the dream and these creatures are the true face of socialism in real form.  Wherever socialism is thriving in the world, these creatures are there instigating evil and destruction but they cannot be seen by people.  To embrace socialism is to embrace these creatures and work along side of them and be used by them to enslaved humanity.

Justin uses his position with a national newspaper and his column to bring insights to America, but finds he must take measures for his own safety and that of his family.  A team of retired Navy Seals are hired to protect Justin by a wealthy conservative businessman and the fight is on.  Justin is impressed by the skills of the Seals and they do not know what to think of the supernatural realm that Justin is involved with through His relationship with Jesus Christ and a spiritual father by the name of Duffy French. Duffy is truly a supernatural man, and Justin is on the same road of destiny with God as Duffy.  Included in this novel are fight scenes, weapons, action and angelic activity that leaves the frogmen scratching their heads.

If you love God and want to see the heart of Jesus in some story characters, read this book. If the activity of angels and demons and evil ruling principalities and hellish winged creatures interests you, then reading this novel is a must.  If you love America and want to see the return of the right wing and freedom loving political party, and less government, then reading and sharing this novel will be strategic.  If you have a loved one who is liberal and does not see the harm in the current President and his philosophies, then share this book with them after you read it, for socialism, communism, totalitarianism and fascism are all spelled out in high clarity for anyone to understand.  Also, freedom and free enterprise also are explained and applauded in the pages of this book, as well as free enterprise's relation to our economic recovery.  Many Presidents and American heroes are quoted in the pages of Hungry Nation.  There are also plot twists and turns, to keep readers guessing.  It is unknown whether this book is political, economic, spiritual, a horror, a mystery, a civics lesson, or all of those rolled into one book. 

If this country stays on its current course, it will indeed be a hungry nation.  Help us Lord!  

Watch for my next blog for more on Hungry Nation!   Feel free to comment below and re-share this on Facebook if you want.  

To read more about the novel, go to this website:

Greg Nichols
Author - Hungry Nation

Ask me to be your friend on Facebook! 

Greg and Debbie Nichols