Thursday, July 9, 2015

Patriots of America: See Hungry Nation

"A nation that is hungry for God will not go hungry." 

Hungry Nation – the Novel, is an intriguing fiction with Godly characters fighting tyranny and Socialism in America. In the pages of Hungry Nation, you can see into the spirit world as the veil is pulled back to see angels and demons as they apply to modern problems. See a near civil war and God supernaturally stop it. This novel, written in 2011-2012 and published in 2015 is becoming more relevant as we see a nation of millennials lusting and pushing for Socialism and Communism. It seems that eventually, someday, America may succumb to Socialism, as it seemingly slides to destruction. I wrote the exposing novel here to slow down that march into madness.

Greg Nichols

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy July 4th - A Word for America!

JULY 4TH, 2015:

Happy Birthday America! This is still the greatest nation on earth, but I am partial as an American. Because of attacks on liberties of Americans, through liberalism and a certain few elite thinkers who have their own agendas, we see a hiccup in certain rights, but, .....America is not its government. We are still a government of the people as a nation, and we are under God. God would have saved Sodom and Gomorrah for only 10 righteous. We have more than 10 people, as a proportionate ratio to the general population. We have millions of righteous, God fearing Americans who are praying for mercy and a pouring out of His grace and love upon all. We gun owning Christians will not take the route of violence, but of love and prayer. We are many. We are a majority in America, and there is still a goodness in the land, and people who do right before God. We simply do not get the voice, or the press right now. Do not let such a small minority of evil including the press shape your beliefs about America. We will be like Christ our Master, in these words, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." 

But the wicked mistake His silent love for weak passivity and even non existence.The Supreme God of everything sees, and hears, and knows, and there is a recording angel near Him, who takes it all down, in fact, there are many of those scribes of Heaven. But He sits over the earth, and He waits, and He weeps, and He hopes His love and stayed hand will draw people back to Him. But the waiting has an end, and God will not be silent forever. He will requite for and justify His people, who stood by Him, and with Him, and who gave themselves for Him, in either their lives or in their prayers. There is a side of God of wrath and vengeance, and it is a fearful and terrorizing thing to fall into the hands of the living God. 

"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret—it only causes harm. For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the Lord, They shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, But it shall be no more. But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace." Psalm 37:7-11

Order your copy of Hungry Nation today.

Greg Nichols

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hungry Nation, the Novel, is Available on Kindle!

"A nation that is hungry for God will not go hungry."

You can now order Hungry Nation on Kindle at  The price is $9.99 for this digital version.   Follow Justin Brooks, his wife Angie, Duffy French, and the three ex-Navy Seals in the adventure and terror of a lifetime, as this patriotic group are used by God in praying for and helping America put off a regime change, one of socialistic proportions.

Order the Kindle version of Hungry Nation here. 

Greg Nichols

Ordering details and bulk purchases here:

Thursday, June 25, 2015

More Hungry Nation Facts - An American Novel

HUNGRY NATION FACTS: The novel is about a growing confrontation between believers who know who they are in Christ, and the evil wicked beings behind much of the evil in America. Hungry Nation presents the gospel through and through, from conversions to Christ, to out and out warfare with demons, and it is a great tool for family members on the fence about Christianity that also highly entertains. I guarantee you though, a Progressive liberal will probably not like it, as it exposes socialism, communism and the devils behind those things, and, it sounds off many of the founding fathers of America through quotes and their philosophies. The Dominion of Christ is thoroughly displayed in this novel, as well as hope for America, even now. 

Greg Nichols 
Order at

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hungry Nation: A Shockingly Entertaining Novel About America!

Order this action packed thriller today, with its twists and turns, and amazing insights about America, as our founding fathers desired it to be, and as it is now.  See Heavenly and hellish beings revealed in this story of fiction, based on our realities, and good against evil.  A small band of freedom lovers including a man of God and 3 ex-Navy Seals come against great odds in a fight for their very lives.  This novel is hard to put down, but when you do, you will understand and appreciate America in a whole new way. 

or at 

or at Barnes and Noble:

Greg Nichols

Monday, June 22, 2015

Hungry Nation Ordering and Publisher Website!

The reality of the invisible Kingdom of God and Satan's kingdom bring this novel spiritually alive.  See ordering information and my publisher's website they made for the novel.

Greg Nichols

National Press Release for Hungry Nation!

Hungry Nation is a tale of God, His Son Jesus, a man of God who has a great destiny, and of America, the greatest modern nation ever raised up by God!

Greg Nichols

Monday, June 15, 2015

Today Hungry Nation is Being Printed!

"A nation that is hungry for God will not go hungry!"

Today, June 15, 2015, we were notified that our book was published.  It is not up yet today on or Barns and Noble, but will be anytime. We as the authors will also be supplying consumers by mail order from our own location.  The paperback is $16.95 and the hardback is $24.95. The Kindle version at will be available for $9.99.  

This fiction novel is quite unlike any book out there right now. It is thrilling and deep, with spiritual revelation and political and patriotic insights.  Some may mistake it for non fiction. 

Order at this link:

You can stay tuned to our next release in the series by subscribing to this blog or by visiting our website once and awhile.  That site is !

Greg Nichols

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why I wrote Hungry Nation, by Greg Nichols

I wrote Hungry Nation for many reasons, but the main reason is that I desire to see Americans have more interest in their country, government and politics, and the principles and concepts that this great nation was founded upon. I am a fan of George Orwell and his two famous novels, 1984 and Animal Farm. My goal was to use this novel, Hungry Nation, to reveal to this generation how America could quite easily slip into socialism and totalitarianism if its people don’t become aware of what is going on in America; if they have no knowledge of past history in other nations and the mistakes made by those of the past. Many current teen action novels, and the movies adapted from them, use backdrops of police states and regimes, and the young heroes and heroines must overcome great odds under huge oppression. But it may be that those movie watchers and novel fans say, "Not here, not my country, not in America." 

The bell of liberty is cracked, and so is liberty!

My intent with Hungry Nation is to show that this could in fact easily happen in America. Through the liberal mindset, many foundations have already been laid in place and unexpected and terrible things could happen very suddenly. The result would be that our old beloved America would be gone forever! We cannot let that happen! Follow Justin Brooks on a path in this novel to greater awareness and then get involved so we can stay a free nation!

Greg Nichols